GRoe Green Gallery
September 2021 – March 2022
It all began with a visit to Fryent Country Park and the discovery of its beautiful wildflower meadows. The sound and sight of bees, butterflies, dragon flies and even more wildlife was all consuming. We wanted to recreate this! And where better, but at Roe Green Junior school. So we set to work!
In the autumn of 2021, our group of young gardeners who called themselves ‘the warriors of nature’, worked hard to weed, rake and finally sow wildflower seeds. The meadow will attract pollinators like bees and butterflies and will provide shelter for insects like beetles to lay eggs.
With the wildflower garden sown, our group set about working on the vegtable garden, but first weeding had to be done. Our warriors were very excited to discover many worms living below the soil.
The group made seed containers from milk bottles with beautiful decorations. They sowed sweet pea seeds and sunflower seeds that went on their classroom window sills over the winter and they then planted them out in the spring.
Now it was time for the vegetables sowing. Onions, garlic and broad beans were sown in the autumn and carrots, lettuce and peas in early spring.
The group were proud and excited to see their first crops grow.
The group planted climbers, honeysuckle for its beautiful scent and to attract the bees.
Salvia and other plants for some autumn/ winter colour were planted and the group were delighted to see bee’s arriving immediately!
And not to forget food and water for the birds. A popular and messy activity; making cone bird feeders. Our decorated birdhouse was put up in the tree.
Bulbs planted and the delight when they bloomed!
Carefully watching the stages of their wildflower meadow, the group celebrated their achievements and thanks to further funding from the Heritage Lottery fund, they will be back for the next stage of GRoe Green and to enjoy it bloom! Watch this space.
All photos by Simona Jausovec
(First and last sections, photos included by Caroline D’Souza and Chloe Harbour)